Upgrading My Camera: Now My Casseroles Look Like High-Definition Barf


So I upgraded to a DSLR camera last week and I am SUPER excited about it! I’ve only just begun to explore all of its settings, but I’ve already been able to get some great photos with it. This is not one of them. What you are looking at it a chicken and egg scramble that I just made for lunch; I thought I would try taking some photos before I ate it, because I’d like to share more super-simple recipes on here, and I’m having fun playing with my camera. I shook my head when I saw the previews on the camera and laughed even harder when I looked at the photos full-size! It tasted good, but it sure does not look good. Between the bird hovering above and threatening to swoop down and eat the food, the hornet buzzing around me while I was operating the camera, and the gross photos, I’m tempted to label this a “Catastrophe”, but we enjoyed the meal otherwise so this would have to go under the header of “Blogger problems”.

I do well photographing sweet treats, drinks, and more “Solid” food, but I have always found casserole-type, sloppy dishes to be a challenge. I’m sure there are bloggers out there who have a whole slew of props just for making casseroles look good, so I look forward to reading up more on tips for “Challenging” food photography. (Or maybe I can just Photoshop another casserole on top of this. ;))

Beeb Ashcroft

Owner & editor
As a food blogger, I love to make delicious recipes - but real life doesn't always look like Pinterest! From the triumphs to the tragedies, this blog is dedicated to the funny side of cooking.

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